Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Wednesday's reading

Today I saw the back of a kid's shirt at school that said: "Barack & ROLL!!" I found this very clever but what also hit me was that alot of young voters, even us young people who can't vote, really support Barack Obama and Joe Biden. Some classmates that I know support John McCain for their own reasons and that's fine, but I just really am surprised at how well Obama has hit it with the youth of America. I am starting to realize that what I learned about ancient civilizations is true. When a country is in the dumps a pattern occurs, that is a powerful leader brings that said country back on its feet it has prosperity and I believe that is what is in the foreseeable future. If you really want to know why we young people are really turning out to vote this election it is because we were raised on a lot of rhetoric about the "American Dream" but rarely have we been able to make such and impact, or direct effect on that dream. Whether your white, black, gay, straight, ivy-league educated, disabled, fat, skinny, male, female, asian, latino, it doesn't matter, just as long as you show up and pull that lever. We will vote because we know that even though the president cannot save us from ourselves, he is the symbol for the best in us. What we do, consume, how we treat each other is what identifies us as the USA, the president merely is the figurehead of our chorus of voices, again, the symbol for who we are and who we can be. That's why. Every vote counts. That's my message today. Go Vote!

1 comment:

Ms. Roehl said...

Great post Ben. I love that the t-shirt message inspired such a thoughtful blog post.